
About Our Company

About ux communications


With our Head Office based in Brisbane, and offices in Melbourne and Sydney, UX Communications is a growing, local success story focused on bridging the technology gap between small and large business. We want small business to feel they have access to the same technology solutions of the big guys, and just as importantly, the offering is aligned to their needs.

As the name suggests, UX Communications is all about delivering an outstanding UX (user-experience). Our brand and our ongoing focus ensure that our customers are the forefront of everything that we do – our flexible product offering, our delivery, our interactions

our team goal are straightforward
we want ux Communications to:

Provide flexible solutions to
small business
Be cutting edge in its
technology offering
Always host technology
we provide
Be Australian-owned and
Offer competetive prices
Do what we say, when we
say we will do it

our team


The UX Communicationsmanagement team bring more than 40 years of relevant experience. All have worked in both large and small business business and bring a shared passion to shaking up telecommunications indutry.

Paul Davidson

Managing Director

Paul is the passionate leader and founder of UX Communications. Bringing more than 20 years of experience to the team, Paul has held leaderships roles in both small and corporate businesses, including many years in the telecommunications industry. Paul started UX Communications after identifying a niche in the industry – he vehemently believes that the telecommunication needs of small businesses are being ignored. He has long believed that if UX Communications can offer small businesses the technology solutions that are commonly used by big corporates, small businesses across Australia will be the beneficiaries. Paul is a passionate sports fan who doesn’t miss a Sydney Swans or Liverpool FC game.

Alex Mclnnes

Sales and Marketing

If Paul is Batman, Alex is UX Communications’ Robin equivalent. Responsible for spreading the word on UX Communications’ exciting business offering, Alex is a passionate sales and marketing expert. Alex brings almost 10 years sales and marketing expertise, including many years in the telecommunications industry. He has held multiple roles in telecommunications and now finds himself passionately applying what he has learnt to engage with UX Communications customers. Besides being a serious ‘tech-head’, Alex is also a passionate football fan who supports Manchester United.



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